Friday, September 7, 2018

Vegetarian Okonomiyaki 素式大阪烧

Makes 2 x 10cm round pancakes

Cabbage 3 pieces (shredded) 包菜 3 片切丝
Carrot 1/3 (shredded) 红萝卜 1/3 切丝
Oyster mushroom 1/2 (shredded) 杏鲍菇 1/2撕成条状
Corn grains 1 cup 甜粟粒1杯

Chinese Yam (Mashed) 1 rice bowl 新鲜淮山泥 1饭碗
Cake Flour 1 rice bowl 低筋面粉1饭碗
Water 1/2 rice bowl 水1/2饭碗

Roasted Seaweed 1 pc cut into strips 烤过的日本紫菜1片剪条状
Roasted Sesame Seed 烤过的白芝麻
Mayonaise 美乃滋酱

Seasoning 调味料:
Mushroom powder 香菇粉
Salt 盐
Sugar 糖
Black pepper (grated) 黑胡椒碎
Pepper 胡椒粉
Sesame oil 麻油

Steps 做法:
1. Shred cabbage, carrot and oyster mushroom. 将包菜, 红萝卜, 杏鲍菇 处理成丝状。

2. Marinate mushroom with a bit of 1/4 tsp of mushroom powder for at least 30 mins. 用1/4茶匙香菇粉腌杏鲍菇丝半小时以上。

3. Blend chinese yam into mash form. 新鲜淮山去皮再磨成泥状。

4. Combine chinese yam with cake flour and mix well. 把淮山泥和面粉混合。

5. Add cabbage, carrot and oyster mushroom into chinese yam mixture and add water bit by bit to form thick paste. (Do not overmix else the pancake will be garden due to gluten development). 把切丝的包菜,红萝卜, 腌过的杏鲍菇加入淮山面粉再慢慢加入水搅成浓稠的粉浆 (不要搅拌太久不然面粉会出筋煎出来的饼口感会比较硬)。

6. Add seasoning (1/2 tsp salt,1/2 tsp sugar, 1/4 tsp mushroom powder, 1/2 tspn sesame oil,pepper, grated black pepper) and adjust to preference.
调味: 1/2茶匙的盐,1/2茶匙的糖,1/4茶匙的香菇粉,1/2茶匙的麻油和少许的胡椒和黑胡椒碎(口味可随意更改)。

7. Pour half of batter into circular shape and pan fry at medium heat. 把一半的粉浆倒入平底锅用中小火煎。

8. When pancake is golden brown can hold its shape, flip and continue to cook the other side to same colour or cook. 当粉浆定型和底部煎至金黄色便可翻过来再把另一面煎至金黄色或熟。

9. Remove from pan and top with mayonnaise, roasted sesame seaweed and sesame seeds before serving. 再煎好的饼上撒烤过的紫菜片,芝麻和涂上美乃滋酱便可享用。

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