Thursday, July 22, 2021

Chocolate Lava Cake


Make 8 to 10 mini cakes

Dark chocolate 138g
Butter 121g
Sugar 115 to 120g
Egg 210g
Plain flour 55g

1. Melt chocolate and butter using bain -marie method.

2. Whisk sugar and egg to soft foam

3. Add Melted chocolate into egg mixture.

4. Fold in plain flour gently.

5. Rest mixture in fridge for 12 hours or 1 night is possible.

6. Cream interior of baking cups (5cm diameter and 6cm height) with butter.

7. Piple batter into  baking cup and fill upto 3/4 of the volume.

8. Bake at 190C for 8mins or until overall set but center wobbly.

9. Rest for 3 to 5 mins before removing from cup and serve warm with ice cream.

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