Sunday, July 11, 2021

Strawberry Jam


Make 1 small jar (about 200ml)

Strawberries 250g (after washing and drying)
Brown sugar 170g
Lemon juice 1 tablespoons
Butter 1/2 tsp

1. Sterilise glass jar and cover in oven.

2. Wash strawberries and and wipe dry before removing the stem. For bigger pieces but them into halves or quarters. Smaller ones leave it as it as as I like to have pieces of strawberries in the jam.

3. Put strawberries and sugar in cooking pot and cook over small fire.

4. When sugar dissolve and strawberries start to soften, add in lemon juice.

5. Turn up the heat and continue to cook till jam in boil and adjust sugar and lemon juice to individual preference.

6. When bigger strawberries start to flatten and there is a good mix of jam with soften chunk of strawberries.

7. Test the viscosity of the jam. It should be thicken and not too fluid. The thicken jam will form sticky jam on cold plate or back of metal spoon.

8. Add in the butter and melt it. Then boil the jam till it is bubbling.

9. Off fire and pour jam into sterilised bottle (beware not to burn yourself from the hot bottle and handling the hot jam).

10. Enjoy the fresh home cooked jam.

You may reverse the hot filled jam of bottle to sterilise the cooked jam but I don't as dislike the idea of jam touching the seal. Also, pouring hot boiler jam immediately into hot sterilised bottle I have never have issue with that so far.

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